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Game Info and Help Empty Game Info and Help

Post  Admin Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:10 am

Player Conduct Guideline Version 2.0 (CoC)
This CoC is retroactive to 17.10.2011 & is immediate effect as of 23.10.2011

The following is a simple code of conduct that players must consider when interacting in any game developed my Splitscreen studios. Failure to comply with these rules may result in actions taken against your account.

1. English is the Primary & preferred Language on All English & International Servers (Askone, Kalgan, Solaria &Aeria) controlled by the English GM Team. Please speak English in any Public or GM-Chat as the use of translators is not always accurate. If you must use a Language other than English, Please use Private, Clan or Squad Chat function

2. You must not harass (a), discriminate, threaten (c) or otherwise “grief” (b) players in anyway.

(a) harass: Covers a wide range of offensive behavior. It is commonly understood as behavior intended to disturb or upset, and it is characteristically repetitive. In the legal sense, it is intentional behavior which is found threatening or disturbing

(b) “Grief”: Griefing is the act of chronically causing grief to other members of an online community, or more specifically, intentionally disrupting the immersion of another player in their game play

(c) Threats: A threat is an act of coercion wherein an act is proposed to elicit a negative response. It is a communicated intent to inflict harm or loss on another person. Threats made towards another Pilot will not be tolerated. This will result in immediate Jailing of 1 Week & Possible Ban of All Pilot Accounts

3. Use of offensive language in such as those that are of a racist nature, obscene, sexual, abusive, Drug use, real life threatening or anti-religious are strictly forbidden and will be punished accordingly ranging from warnings, muting, jailing or permanent banning depending on severity. Since harassment and offensive language is a broad term that can be interpretable in many ways, it is up to the discretion of the senior staff members to decide what is would be deems are harassing or offensive to a reasonable person.

The Penalty for violating Rules 1, 2 or 3 is Tier Based – The more you violate them the more severe your Penalty. Penalty starts with a Warning. After 3 Warnings you will be muted for a period of time. After the 4th Warning/2nd Mute you will be put on a Habitual Offender Standing & also go to Jail for a period of time. Should you get to a 7th Violation, Your account may/will be permanently banned from all Splitscreen Studios Games.[/b](see ** below rule 14)

4. You must not use or transmit any content which is protected by intellectual property laws unless you own these rights or have procured the necessary permissions. You will be liable for any legal implications that result from any infringements of copyright, trademarks and any other proprietary rights.

5. Impersonating any past or present employees of Splitscreen Studios or any if its affiliates is strictly forbidden.

6. You must not use any of Splitscreen Studio owned games or websites for commercial purposes such as advertising.

7. Transferring or trading of accounts in Splitscreen Studio owned games are strictly forbidden as all virtual property within Splitscreen Studio owned games belongs to Splitscreen studio or its affiliates.
(This includes Account Sharing – Use of Account by other than Registered Player of that account).
No Pilot Alive or Dead shall Give his account to Anyone

8. You must not organize or be a member of any groups or clans that facilitate or are based on racist, anti-religious or other hate based philosophies. It is also forbidden to do anything that is a threat to the game or interferes with the gaming and game play of the game

9. You must not modify the game client in any way or attempt to hack or otherwise interfere with any data transmissions to and from the servers servicing any Splitscreen Studio games.

The Penalty for violating Rules 4, 5, 6, 7 & 9, is Immediate Ban of Your Player Account followed within 24 hours with a Permanent Account Banishment from All Splitscreen Studios Games. There is/will not be any Grounds for Appeal for Violating any of these 4 Rules.

Violation of Rule 7 will result in not only the Banishment of the Shared Account, but also Banishment of the Accounts of all Players involved in the Account Sharing.

10. Exploiting Missions, Bugs or any other facets of Pirate Galaxy that are not related to fair Game Play i.e.: to increase War Score, Ladder Rank Climbing, Pilot Ranking etc is not allowed

11. Clan Jumping for the Purpose of doing CQ (Conquests) is not allowed. The Clan Admirals may be held liable for anyone jumping to their clan solely for the purpose of doing a CQ. This will be considered a Cheat as well as an Exploitation of CQ. Pilots doing it will also be punished (see * below rule 14)

12. You must not operate or play on any servers that operate Splitscreen Studio owned games that is not also operated by Splitscreen Studio.

13. You must not hold Splitscreen Studios or its affiliate responsible for any loss of data or virtual property or usage resulting from information passed between players or server stability such as restarts and crashes; both of which are out with our control. Splitscreen Studios or its affiliates will never ask for your login details as we do not need them. The only information that we require is your pilot name and server that your pilot is located.

14. You must provide clear, high resolution screens shot evidence that is Date & Time Stamped (F11 Key) of any offence that you wish to report. No Action will be taken on an offense without conclusive Date & Time Stamped (F11 Key) evidence provided by the reporter. Investigations will not be initiated without proper initial screenshot evidence.

* Clan Jumping for Purpose of CQ: Pilots will be considered guilty of cheating in CQ & exploitation of CQ if jumping from 1 clan to another & then back to Original Clan for Purpose of doing a CQ. This will be cause for Immediate Bannishment from Pirate Galaxy & possibly ALL Splitscreen Studios Games. Clan Admirals who allow this to happen will be guilty of exploitation of CQ & will be jailed or banned

**Offenders are placed on a 7 tier punishment structure beginning with warnings to permanent banning. Depending on the severity of the offence we reserve the right to move an account to immediate ban or any other tier if necessary.

Jail / Ban / Suspension of Pilot Account

You shall not make any New Pilots to continue Playing if Jailed, Suspended or Banned from Pirate Galaxy. Being Jailed is a Punishment & does not give you the right to continue playing by disregarding the Rules of Pirate Galaxy or the CoC / TOS of Splitscreen Studios. Creating a New Pilot while in Jail may not only get the Jailed Pilot more time, it may also lead to a Ban or Suspension of the Pilots Account(s). Any New Pilots created while jailed will also be jailed, banned or suspended.

Being Jailed, Banned or Suspended on a Server can / will also affect any other “KNOWN” Pilots on other Servers i.e.: You have a Pilot on Server 1 who is jailed, banned or suspended for excessive Violations of the CoC & You have a second Pilot on Server 2 that is known, This Pilot may / will also be jailed, banned or suspended. Also as an added Penalty, Forum access may be suspended for amount of time jailed if any derogatory posts are made by the jailed Pilot. Banned or Suspended Pilots will have Forum access suspended

Swearing policy

Public Chat

Swearing is not permitted at all in public chat. This is regulated by staff like myself (CM)and the GM's. Offenders will be punished accordingly. If you are offended by public chat swearing, You can send a screenshot (Screenshot Tutorial) to a GM in forums or send to where it will be passed to a GM to act upon. Please always include your pilot name and server.

Clan Chat

The swearing policy in clan chat is regulated by the clan admiral. If a clan admiral allows swearing in their clan chat, it is up to the clan members to petition the admiral if they are against it.
Squad and Private Chat

Swearing is allowed only on the consensus of the parties involved. If everyone in the squad or private chat is fine with swearing then it is not a problem. However, private chat is not an open invitation to direct swearing and other such abuse to players. If you are offended by someone swearing at you in private chat, You can send a screenshot to a GM in forums or send to where it will be passed to a GM to act upon. Please always include your pilot name and server.

Swearing at Staff or GM

This is strictly prohibited as we do not take staff abuse lightly. You will be exempt from the normal punishment structure and dealt with as the senior staff see fit which can range from warning to jail time or permanent banning.

Punishment Structure

CQ Offense Structure

Clan Admiral:
1st Violation = Jail for 1 Week (168 Hours)
2nd Violation = Jail 2 Weeks (336 Hours)
3rd Violation = Jail 3 Weeks (504 Hours) with possibility of Ban from Pirate Galaxy
4th Violation = Immediate Ban from Pirate Galaxy & Dis-Banding of Clan

Immediate Ban from Pirate Galaxy on Grounds of Cheating & Exploitation of CQ

Standard Offense Structure

1st Violation = 1st Warning
2nd Violation = 2nd Warning
3rd Violation = Mute 1 day (24)
4th Violation = Mute 3 days (72) + Jail 1 day (24)
5th Violation = Mute 7 days (168) + Jail 3 days (72)
6th Violation = Mute 7 days (168) + Jail 7 days (168) + possible Permanent Ban
7th Violation = Permanent Ban

For swearing offenses

This involves swearing in public chat and swearing in the Pilot's status window.

1st Violation = 1st Warning
2nd Violation = 2nd Warning
3rd Violation = Jail 1 day (24) + mute (48)
4th Violation = Jail 3 days (72) + mute (144)
5th Violation = Jail 7 days (168) + mute (336)
6th Violation = Permanent Ban

We reserve the right to record all information on player activities in order to verify player claims, troubleshoot technical issues and for policy enforcement. We are within our rights to keep this information confidential unless warranted by a court of law to provide evidence.
We reserve the right to amend or change these player conduct guidelines without your consent and at any time.

If you do not wish to accept any of the articles detailed within this player conduct guideline please desist from playing any game owned or operated by Splitscreen Studios.

These codes are not all inclusive and other actions may also be determined as abuse by staff members of Splitscreen and its affiliates.

Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-02-21

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Game Info and Help Empty CQ rules

Post  Admin Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:23 am

Game Info and Help CQrules-2

Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-02-21

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